A beautiful girl who is sporty, cute, sexy, amazing, funny, talented and intelligent. If there's a poppy in your town, lock up your man.

Poppy's tend to be into boys who are:

- taller than them

- blonde and blue eyes
- very fit

- good at cooking
- sporty
- sweet
- generous
- musical
- caring
- bold
- attractive

Good luck if your one of these
"OMG that girl poppy is so fit, in gonna go see if she's single"
sexy fit hot
by P.B.13 April 20, 2015
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Noun: A drummer girl
Adjective: Loyal, trust-worthy
"Hey, thanks for listening to me the other day. It was really poppy of you."

Person 1: Hey, I didn't know she played drums?
Person 2: Yeah she's a poppy.
by Katiekatiekatie April 29, 2008
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Usually a very ‘slaggy’ girl who attracts men. Rude and has a disgusting attitude
Poppy is so rude omg

Poppy got me a little hard down there can’t lie
by Suck out🥱 November 1, 2019
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Poppy is a dark skinned girl with big brown eyes. She's beautiful and smart and will make anyone smile. She loves to crack a joke but also had the most ridiculous sense of humour and her laugh is just dynamite. She is a pro at music and is amazing at dance. She loves her friends more than anything and loves a good white boy with either blue or green eyes.
"See poppy over there? She's gonna be an amazing wife one day"
by T O M November 7, 2016
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an edgy egirl who tries to hard to be relatable and goes for guys older than her
Boy 1: dude that edgy girls a poppy she’s dating a 15 yr old
Boy 2: ye dude
by turtle_fishface August 16, 2019
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