The scent of your finger after sticking your finger in your navel.
Oh dear! That shemale whore smells like pank.
by SirBrianofMaryland October 10, 2003
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Much like the word "cop" used to describe the act of "copping out"; to "pank out" is to blow off responsibility or the calling to hang out with your friends for a lesser reason.

Pronounced like "spank" without the "s"

The origin of the word can be traced to a very small town in North-West Wisconsin
-"So and So" really panked out on us last weekend.

-Oh he always panks out on me

-He's a fricken pank artist with how much he panks on everyone.
by c_towner November 17, 2009
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to bang some chick hard as fuck. with no regard to anything except banging.
"dude, you see that fineass chick with the big boobs?"
"hell yeah man, id pank her till the cows came home!"
*high fives*
by Winston S. January 21, 2008
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To flaten something down.
If you where to pack snow against a house. Then you would uses the shovel to pank it tighter
by Aaron December 17, 2003
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Nickname given to a strong individual, who is on the search to invest time and pleasure into music! Upcoming merch line of shirts
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Techno for panks

To: Techno
From: Panks
by Zoomzoom420 March 27, 2018
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a variation of the word pink as a slang reference to the vagina
I'm gonna get me some pank
by vanquish385 September 22, 2007
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