a person with no arms or no legs
what's one thing a nugget can't do?
go upstairs.
what's one thing a nugget can do?
go downstairs.
by sarah October 30, 2003
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Excellent quality pot. Really good grass. crystaly and bud shaped. Seedless, great smelling, and overall bangin weed!!
My boy smoked some nugget with me that got me high as an astronaut!!
by howard Stein October 3, 2005
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Big green, buds with plenty of red hairs surrounding them. Sometimes colors range froma dark green to a whiter green. Never stale or in the shake like stage
" whered you get those nuggets from?!, Mexico?!?!?"
by dude its steve January 24, 2004
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Dude, that blonde chick is such a nugget...you should go talk to her.
by The Colonel July 18, 2003
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The item created when one takes another's backpack, dumps the books out, reverses it, refills the bag with the books, zips it up, and returns it to the place it once rested.
"Hey, where's my bag?"
Five minutes later...
"Seriously, did you guys move my bag?"
Ten minutes later...
"What the f*ck did you pricks do with my stuff?"
Twenty minutes later...
"Oh my God!! What the HELL!"

"Dude, it's the NUGGET!"
by Moto-X July 16, 2003
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Someone who is not particularly smart. Or said something that doesn't make sense.
John: Omg, I accidentally put soap on my toothbrush instead of toothpaste!

Bill: Bro, You are such a nugget!
by MissQuackSter November 3, 2012
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