1.A fairy from The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.
2.A freaking annoying little fairy bitch who needs to BLOW UP RIGHT NOW!!!
Link sliced Navi in half because she wouldn't SHUT THE CRAP UP!!!!
by Ryoki Hovernia July 18, 2003
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Branch of the US military that primarily handles sea operations. The Navy also has air forces (naval aviators), ground forces (USMC is under the Department of the Navy), and special forces (SEALS, DEVGRU). The USN transports and provides support to Marines, along with anti-piracy operations and other duties. During the Cold War the Navy ran a huge intelligence program against the Soviet Union using submarines.
the navy is a key part of the United States armed forces
by kmfr August 30, 2010
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Coded slang confirming the identity of a well-closeted homosexual. Derived from the fact that the vast majority of queers in the US military are "in the navy."
"How'd you know that Randall was in the navy? Well, he is, just like we are."
by buffalo patty April 23, 2005
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Navy is a Synonym for hell.
For a perfect example, go to your local Navy recruiter to see how you can sign up.
by Screw Navy March 28, 2007
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the best place to go for FREE COLLEGE! and you can fight for your contry. and their football team is awesome!
Guy:Im gonna go to the navy because army the army football team sucks.
by CoCo April 9, 2005
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The finest branch of the United States Military. Even though people question the need for a Navy in modern era, but the fail to recognize its abilities.

Provides long-range, heavy artilery fire for land and amphibious units

Provides forward operations and launch point for aircraft

Transports those damned Marines

And need I mention the SEALs and SWCCs?
I joined the navy so I could become a SEAL. After all, they are the best in the world.
by Harrison C October 14, 2005
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The providers of religious, medical, and limo services to the US Marine Corps
Marine 1: This Navy chaplain gives good sermons.

Marine 2: Gotta love those Navy doctors. They save Marines' lives.

Marine 3: Well boys, we gotta go half way around the world to fight. Let's call the Navy to get us there.
by Bill October 4, 2005
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