He scored a F in P.E so we called him a narp
by ASAPPPPPO March 22, 2017
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Most common word used by the cartoon character Pinky (Of: Pinky and The Brain.)
Pinky: Narp! What are we going to do tommorrow night Brain?
Brain: Same thing we do every night Pinky. Try to take over the world!
by Breanna Kittson November 10, 2007
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A note (most commonly on stringed instruments) that is neither natural nor sharp; it is always in between.
Grrr... You're always so narp when you play F#... Tune it up!
by Violin... May 4, 2012
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Someone who goes out of their way to hunt down and hurt / embarrass NARPS (Non athlete regular people).
"Did you see him break that nerd's calculator?"

"Yeah Jay is such a NARP hunter, I'm surprised he hasn't killed one yet"
by Concerned Narp October 11, 2011
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That extra energy that a non athletic regular person (narp) has that athletes are lacking
That guy over there gives me such Narp energy
by Jkseilkop September 23, 2020
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A NARP that has become so consumed with the NARP lifestyle that he cannot live life any other way; a NARP that has gone completely to the Dark Side.

Narp Vader is also in complete denial of his current dwelling within the realm of the Dark Side.

Narp Vader is generally against any form of fun, even when it is none of his goddamn business.

Whereas Darth Vader wears a dark mask and cape, Narp Vader is capable of blending into most crowds, making him a far more dangerous threat.
Eric: So Vader, I heard you're doing training this year.

Narp Vader: Yeah they totally made me. I had no choice.

Eric: Really? So did you apply to do anything else?

Narp Vader: ..... *Makes Darth Vader noise*.....
by Luke Skynarper November 6, 2013
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When dropping a mad duece; it's the toilet water that splashes up on your ass from the pure velocity of your log.
Hey Rick, can you pass me another roll of toilet paper?  I have been soaked again by narp juice.
by asshat47 April 2, 2009
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