Abbreaviation for 'My ideal type'. Used in talent spotting with mates to identify people you would love to have sex with but realise you have no chance. Can be used with appropriate adjectives to specify the individual being described.
Compare MUT and MOT
Fuck, look at the red-sweater chick. She is such a MIT!
by Abhishek & Russell September 18, 2006
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Acronym describing the students of the "prestigious" Massachusetts Institute of Technology


Its ok that you didn't get into Massachusetts Institute of Technology, its just full of MITs anyway
by Inmyplace10210 March 14, 2010
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When a man is so fat his nipples look like girls tits.

Mits=Man Tits
That guy is so fat his mits are bigger than my girlfriends tits!!!!
by T-Tunney May 14, 2014
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Man tits.
Also known as moobs , mreasts and mipples.
Kyle:My mits are so big they make your moma's tiny!

Aaron:Fuck you
by T-Tunney May 14, 2014
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1- Man look at jimmys hot mom over there
2 - Man jimmys mom has got it going on shes a MIT
3 - A milf you mean?
4 - Nah, a MIT.
by CIRCLESAREMYLIFE August 21, 2018
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