Scary, Yet Gental sweet loving girl who everyone in the world hates. Has Very Few Friends And Just Needs Someone To Love Her And Tell Her She’s not as Worthless that she thinks she is. And Believe men when I say she’s been through hell. Fear her when she looks into a fire and a Knife. And Smiles ☻
Mikayla Is Scary As hEll
by MortonM01 March 20, 2018
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A beautiful, sexy girl. Turns you on with just the touch of a finger. Generally hangs out with girls named Nicole and Veronica. However she secretly knows they are jelous of her cause she is simply stunning. Her rack is 10/10. She doesn't even need a bra. Well shaped nipples as well.
That girls nipples look hard

Her name must be Mikayla
by Girltoy96 December 9, 2016
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A girl who always has your back. Mikayla's have a natural love of animals and people. They are very feisty and have a wonderful body shape. They are beautiful even if their friends tell them everyday. A Mikayla will spend up to eleven hours outside with animals and friends. If you don't see a Mikayla with her friends, animals, or outside she is probably inside on her phone, laptop or PS4, or on youtube. If a Mikayla doesn't get her way, watch out. She will hurt you hands down !?!?
Friend:Hey can you go to the movies this weekend?
Friend2: Now im staying with Mikayla.
Friend1: Why?
Friend2: Because she is very loyal and we besties!!
by onfvjrbdcnubr December 6, 2018
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Mikayla is going to be a girl only "bad boys" would want. She can be very slutty and sneeky. She could also be a bitch. But she is absouluty gorgeous. She is very daring and fun to be with. She likes to bite as well.
Meagan don't be a Mikayla.
by Lyve January 18, 2009
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Mikayla is a wonder a girl who slays it all she is a person like god all holy.If your girlfriend is a Mikayla she’s a keeper never doubt her you will be able to cry she is the most holy friend and loyal if you know a Mikayla don’t let her go
Mikayla you looking fine today

Mikayla your so loyal to me
by Mikayla’s rule September 11, 2018
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A tall funny girl who’s funny, nice, and talkative once you get to know her, but at first she’s shy. A Mikayla is really good at sports. She’s especially good at softball and volleyball. She’s really pretty and most guys would dream of being her boyfriend.
Guy 1: Hey look, who’s that tall new girl?

Guy 2: Must be a Mikayla.

Guy 1: Whoever’s with her must be the luckiest guy ever.
by Grizleo October 23, 2019
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A Mikayla tends to have long blonde hair,a odd since of humor and gets very loud. A Mikayla also tends to be a lolygager and a overall nucince. She also likes to talk at inappropriate times.
Teacher, Omg ur acting like such a mikayla,you never do any of ur work and are always talking.

Student,well what about korbin
by =Theloneranger= April 29, 2016
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