A slang term used to describe an irishman. The name originally comes from Irish Catholics naming their childern Michael. Hence the Mick
Brady & Jaxon are the true brothers Mick!!
by lilmic33 April 20, 2005
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Some one with a abnormally large dick
Hey Jim, Look at Micks dick, i would just love to stick that up my butt hole.
by JimLovesMick69 May 1, 2011
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Another term for faeces, poo, shit, dump, turd etc
back soon mate, just going for a Mick
by Rimardo July 15, 2010
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A person who tries to be nice but is hated by everyone.
Hey what's your personality like?
Oh my personality is a Mick
by Mīck August 5, 2018
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A guy who has a mangina. He sucks dick and likes to rim dudes.
That dude is sooo gay he must be a Mick
by B1TcHgOtAp3N1S September 14, 2011
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