to say good bye or see you at a later period in the day (when you leave,depart from a place, dwelling or any other area which you frequent with your friends, brothers, sisters, gang, crew, or homies) n.b. can be shortened to mash or used with any other kind of potato e.g. jacket/boiled/baked/roast/sweet potatoes
safe kids, i've got to go, mash potata - see ya lata
by maximus tentius April 20, 2004
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The sexual act of two men violently slamming or grinding their testicles against each other.
Ryan ruptured one of his balls again last night while he was mashing potatoes with Tommy.
by Bobbyvento October 12, 2021
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A potato, mashed into a softer substance.
Reference to your brain on drugs.
Yo you fuck! I'll turn your brains into mashed potatoes!
by Beedub February 16, 2004
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(Noun Form)

Slang term. The feeling, or texture, of breasts when they are copped, groped or squeezed. The term should be used if the female’s breasts are soft, squishy, warm and if they fit nicely in the individual’s hands. (The last part isn't as important though.)

Similar terms are...

“Potato”: When an individual fondles a female’s breasts (or even a large male’s boobs), in any way.
Self-Potato”: When a woman grabs her own breasts when she is lonely, bored or just for fun.
Dude, my girlfriend's boobs feel like mashed potatoes! I just can't stop touching them!
by Wonderland is a Mad, Mad Place February 15, 2010
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an under-tanned or white person who does not do any type of regular physical exercise and therefore is out of shape. Mashed potatoes are soft, lumpy, squishy pale colored mush all over the body. Primarily fat in the stomach region, but can also be found in the legs or arms. Can appear in men or women and sometimes even in kids. NOT attractive or sexy. Beware of the mush!!!
Ew, that guy has mashed potatoes everywhere. I don't think I'd touch him with a ten foot pole.
by rachd19 November 13, 2010
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Def1: when a girl decides to mash your potatoes, then add the butter and milk to make it taste good.
Def2: when ur mummy says dinner time and you run upstairs to smell potatoe in the air
Girlllll stap mashin my potatoes or ill skittle biscuit you! MaShInG PoTaToEs
Mom did you make mashed potatoes?
by iuahfirhahiuwh December 18, 2018
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