Makenzie is a really loud girl, has no friends and is so thiccccccccc
by motomotorock April 14, 2019
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Makenzie is not as bright as the other gals. She will always be there for you no matter what it may seem that she doesn’t care but she actually does despite everything. She will always call even if she doesn’t wanna just the fact that she’s on call even if no ones talking is the best tbh she’s pretty amazing and sweet and nice and mean and rude and a jerk. She is really funny but her sense of humor is a little much so it’s definitely something you have to get used to and once you do she’s very funny. She’s very beautiful inside and out. Her eyes are gorgeous and unique. Her hair is a mess but that’s okay. She’s a great bestfriend and girlfriend. She may not know how to express how she feels but it’s what makes her her and she’s great so deal with it and if you don’t and decide to just drop her you suck ass and your missing out PERIOD.
Makenzie watch out for the axe.

Dude Makenzie is a dumb dumb.
by quin1234 May 26, 2019
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Makenzie’s are nice and outgoing person they care so much about other people unless they treat her bad Makenzie will do anything for you like pay for your meals dinners and such and always be there when you need a friend find you a Makenzie because she will change you in good ways that will make you a better person
Billy- I forgot my wallet 🤦🏽 ♀️
Makenzie- it’s okay I got you 😉

Billy- omg thank you 🙏🏼

Makenzie- no problem💕
Billy- 💕
by Marcayia August 10, 2018
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The most dickish person ever. The most unloyal person known to man. Overall just one big piece of shit
by Turdy04 March 23, 2018
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She is typically a large snob who thinks she is above every body else. She is one of the most popular people you will ever meet. You can see her on the runway and all over the internet.
Wow, look at her. She is so snotty and popular. She must be a Makenzie.
by JOjo December 18, 2014
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Good booty. bod Goals. Blonde hair. Blue eyes. Plays volleyball. Really Smart. Nice. Funny. Caring. outgoing. friends with everyone!! if you don’t know a makenzie you need to get to know one if you don’t your just a fat cow that no one likes.
Makenzies amazing and so sweeet
by let’sgo123 March 7, 2019
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An absolute bitch in English class who ducking can’t get her head straight to not talk to me
Tom: Damn she’s being a Makenzie
Brad: I feel bad man
by Faggot words May 9, 2019
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