Lacey is a great person. She probably had some struggles in child hood but that’s what makes her a fighter. She could get any guy she wanted and would beat a bitch up if the fucked with her friends. She is 10/10 gorgeous and makes other girls insecure. She’s no doubt the baddest bitch. She looks good everyday and runs her school like a queen.
New girl: Who is she?
Erin: That’s Lacey. She’s the baddest bitch here. Don’t piss her off.
by December 20, 2019
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Lacey is very awsomme whats the point of beign on erth without lacey shers very tall pretty an loves all sortes of animals but mostly cats and dogs is very good at hockey and lax and suck at mackigne slime you can count on her she loves surgar and sims she will always bes nice to the people she hates the most she is generisse kid smart ruth pretty and the best need sports tips go to her first she is awsomme at all sports but mostly hockey and lax you cant ever live whitout a lacey. to the best freind in the world.
london and i love laceys AS a friend
by YEETERSON PETTERSON October 20, 2019
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Lacey means "picker of all things" in Latin. Typically, a Lacey will pick any and everything, including where to sit, where to eat, what to do, etc.
We didn't know where to go, so we had Lacey choose!
by KNOWER OF ALL THINGS LACEY February 16, 2015
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A SICKO...some one who does bad things when they should not..a bad person...
Wow your such a Lacey, Lacey...
by BOOM HEADSHOT May 6, 2008
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All men who fuck up by insulting their girlfriends. Insulting or mocking your girlfriend in a casual yet highly offensive way. This is often intentional and done for amusement, but can also be due to carelessness. Either cause leads to great entertainment and raucous laughter among friends while the woman explodes in anger and the "lacey" contemplates the prospect of a night without sex. Must hold substantial comic value for onlookers.
verb. Laceying- completing the above act
noun. Lacey- a man who is regularly guilty of laceying
adjective. Lacey- to display lacey-like characteristics.
Girlfriend: "That guy keeps staring at my chest"
Lacey: "I wouldn't worry about it, it's not like there's anything there to see."
Girlfriend proceeds to lose it while Lacey looks over to his friends who are all in stitches and, also laughing says, "Whoops."
by Timmmmmmy November 5, 2006
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noun-a sexually deviant whore, particularly one who tours with a traveling production.
Oh, You fucked lacey too?
by touring June 6, 2009
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Lacey is a slag , who gets passed round like twos on a fag , and has a fanny that makes you want to gag
No one :

Literally not a soul:
Lacey: I'll shag for 1p
by Reeesym12421 December 21, 2019
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