Gypsy word for the sex act. Sometimes used to refer only to the penis.
Q. Did you kori her?

A. No. It was "kekker kori" because she had a headache.
(Kekker = "not do" or "don't").
by Kevinhants August 31, 2006
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Someone who can't tell the differance between cartoon network and real life.

Someone that takes 3498238904820years to catch on to the most simple joke/witty statement.
"And she didn't know what "lol" meant"
by ilikesteakandeggs June 22, 2008
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A small, frail man child who for some reason can slay pussy like a god, or is a total cuck, nobody knows. Collects nerdy stuff and forgot how to read. The Kory will perish if not playing overwatch for atleast 18 hours a day. Still likes pirates despite being 21 and will refuse alcohol as it will burn his lips on consumption. Cannot drive.
How the fuck is kory having a 3 way with those supermodels, he can't even DRIVE.
by Big T, the small D March 22, 2020
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1.Verb. Violent way to fingerbang a dirty chick by using two fingers and enter and exit her with ferocious intent in a motion like a lumberjack sawing a log. Works best to get your shoulder into it.
2.lumberjacking is the act of taking your penis and slapping it across someone's face when they are or arent sleeping
1.Dude man, i totally gave that swamp donkey from the bar last night a real kori.
2.HAHAHA last night Ross gave you a Kori and it left a red mark on ur face! LOL
by Nat March 21, 2005
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1. When a girl flactuates (farts) out of her vagina.
2. another word for extremely long pubic hair
1. omgz i just like TOTALLY let a kori go. .. EWWWZ girlfriend!
2.hahaha your hair iss like kori!!!!!
by nat March 20, 2005
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she is a really big fat bitch who doesn’t understand that she isn't the shit 🤢🤢🗿🗿🗿🗿
teacher-what is 2+2?
kori- iS iT 6 HahHahahA

(she thinks she is funny and cute by being a stupid fucking bitch 🥰🤑😌) the word kori means she is not nice
by bigratgirl October 29, 2019
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A dumb ahh retard that likes to sit around on Saturday’s and read gay ahh books about booty rubbing lesbians.
Korie is a dumb broad.
by Slimjimpimpin March 22, 2018
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