Commonly called 'the short strokes' - - this is the stage of sex where you have been holding your nut for a while until she's been fucked silly, then you assault that thing in a frenzy; and you are digging that out deep, deep, deep - - - slamming into the bottom of that pussy with them short strokes for the ten or twenty minutes it'll take to get your nut. If you do it right, you can get that snapper stinging good.
"Yo, homey, check out the Betty"
" Oooeee, Clyde, i'd knock the bottom outta that one"
by Bohicachief March 5, 2021
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referring to sex.. to also beat it up.. when the sex is so damn good..It feels like the bottom is gettin knocked out the pussy. preferrably with a huge dick.
giirrrll. he knocked the bottom outta my pussy last night
by HOPESCRX October 16, 2003
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The phrase commonly used on friday movies when someone gets their ass kicked.
by John Spartan November 22, 2003
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To have vigorous sex, usually with a girl, although this is not always the case upstate. A synonym of beat it up.
Since it was Valentines Day, Benny decided to surprise his wife with a romantic evening. He sent a dozen roses to her office (that is, he left them in the kitchen for her), and then sat her down to a candlelight dinner. Next he took her out for a romantic moonlit walk on the beach. To cap off the evening, he took her under the boardwalk and knocked the bottom out of it. Then when she was least expecting it, he stuck it in her dumper. Sometimes women need more from the man in their lives than just "I love you" and the occasional bouquet of flowers. Yes, sometimes they just need a fat cock up their poop chute.
by Nick D January 14, 2004
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When someone gets punched really hard and they hit the floor. You go up to them and say "You got knocked the fuck out."
*Boy gets punched and hits ground*

Person: "You got knocked the Fuck Out".
by Alexis Hamilton August 6, 2007
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Racist 'game' in which blacks pick an unsuspecting white victim and sucker-swing at them as hard as they can, usually resulting in a knock-out and occasionally resulting in death.
Nigglet #1, "Yo nigger, I bet you can't knock that honkie out with one hit!"

Nigglet #2, "You trying to get me to play the knock out game? Alright, watch this."
by your.phantasm November 20, 2013
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