The only way to stop global warming (and other hurricanes like katrina) is to reduce emissions by 75%. It's not happening while bush is in office.
by vola September 11, 2005
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Katrina is always a good friend to have. She is Kind and forgiving and outgoing. She will put everyone before herself and and will always protect and support friends. They often have best friends named Denise. Her appearance is as beautiful as her heart too, therefore they are good soul mates to have also.
Person 1 : Who's that girl over there? She is so kind! She always gives out money to the poor even though she isn't rich.
Person 2 : Oh, she's Katrina!
by QueenDeli February 1, 2017
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Katrina is a girl that don’t eat a lot and she is really pretty and cute and everybody loves her !!
Love ya Katrina

Love u 2 🤪
by Wassugirl August 21, 2018
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This is the name of a girl who is the definition of "won't quit." The epitome of resilience, Katrina will overcome any obstacle that's attempts to impede her climb to success.
Person 1: There isn't anything that can happen that could make my life worse than it is!!!

Person 2: Just be Katrina about it.

Person 1: You're right. Next thing you know, I'll be outshining my peers as if nothing ever happened!
by Elijah Muhammad May 17, 2017
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A person whomst may not date even though he/she is in grade 11. And is a huge cocker
Oh god, it’s Katrina
by Vegetation nation November 18, 2019
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Cares about everyone deep down even if she doesnt always talk like it, has two sisters and four brothers, life of the party (when shes chill esp.), has a beautiful spirit about her and just as beautiful on the outside, blue eyes
Katrina is a total queen
by Wrenny200 September 11, 2019
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A wonderful name that was ruined by a hurricane. Most females I have met with this name, including myself, have been teased relentlessly about their name even if they were born before the hurricane.
Katrina: Hi, I'm Katrina.

Random Person: Oh shit, you're gonna destroy this town!
by Percypherus July 17, 2017
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