1. Name of various Islands in the Indonesian Region
2. Name of the sea called "Sea of Java", located around Indonesia
3. A programming language that is known worldwide
4. Coffee from Indonesia
1. The Javan Islands of the Indonesian domain is very beautiful.
2. Have you ever crossed the Javan sea?
3. The Java language is complex yet amazingly efficient for programmers!
4. Ah! Java coffee is the best!
by BestUrbanDick-tion-ural-y July 10, 2019
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The official name of rapper Luis Jump, known for his collaborations with Ahmad Peace.
John: You know Luis Jump?
Paul: No??
John: Oh, you might know him better by Java, that rapper
by Java-man50050 November 23, 2020
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Slang for coffee. Comes from the coffee beans produced in the Indonesian island of Java. 'Kopi jawa' refers to not only the origin of the coffee, but its style which is strong, black, and very sweet.
" Would you like a delicious java?" or "It's java time"
by Sozzi June 14, 2015
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A software engine held up by duct tape.
Hey can you pass me the java, I need it for this broken game.
by peeeeeeeeepe May 7, 2018
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A very high caffinated fuck, and or a fucking woahhh.. while drinking an espresso.
I just did the java last night, dude.
by Guava number 3 November 4, 2011
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the worst program in the world to program in. Also known as a ball buster, pain in the ass, waste of time, and something you will most likely never use in your lifetime.
This homework assignment is so Java!
by LavaLauren November 29, 2010
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Scene place to go Tuesday nights in Tampa.
lyk omgzz are you goin 2 java tonight?
llyk. let me get my lip ring and girl pants and be so scene.
by Hello. I love you. May 10, 2005
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