A word used by english speakers - american english, specificaly - meaning a hot drink made with boiling water and toasted coffee grains powder.
Hold on a second, let me fix up a java for us.
by pbelasco February 19, 2005
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One of the best drinks ever put on this earth.
I need a cup of java.
by Kompassion Kid September 3, 2005
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A programming language hated by many C and C++ programmers because of its lack of pointers and pointer arithmetic to directly access memory.
This is because the guys who made Java thought pointers are ZoMG OVERPOWERED! and can be a security threat, so instead they use something called "references". (which C and C++ also have, but pointers are more fun because you can change what they're pointing to, wheras each reference can only reference one, specific thing(and only Java objects) for Java )
C programmer: Fucking Java. It sucks. Not worth my time.
Java programmer: But it's multiplatform!
C programmer: How can you write serious code without pointers? In Java are you actually limited to FØRTRAN style problems: no linked lists, no queues etc?
Java programmer: But...virtual machine!
C programmer: Which is why it's so slow.

Random gang member walks in: yo dawg i heard you like operating systems, so we put a virtual machine in your machine so you can process data while processing

C programmer: Get a job!
by LæT H4CK3R February 5, 2011
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gay black african american monkey that sounds like hes talking in another language
by anonymous-user10329 September 5, 2021
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a really crappy programming language from the depth of computer hell
you use java!? Wow java suxors
by NeO-BaHaMuT July 21, 2004
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that sick, yellow-green, liquid shit you make after eating something grose. It usually burns coming out your ass, and smells like something died in your toilet. do not confuse this with diarhea. java is way smellier and worse.
Dom: hey, what's wrong??
Nolan: aww man, i just shat some flaming java this morning.
Dom: eww that's grose.
Nolan: yea, it smelled really bad and burned my asshole.
by javaking February 24, 2009
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da kewlest proograming language evurrrr duuuude lolzorzzzzhaxxorz!!!!
System.out.println(" java is super keeeewl <3<3<3<3 ");
by Jerome C. Williams III, Jr. February 13, 2008
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