the coolest, sickest, funniest, and smartest person you’ll ever meet. no but fr it’s scientifically proven I’m not even kidding Jaiden is literally so hot🙌🏼 and she’s a pisces so that makes her 10x hotter. it’s just science tbh
“Mommy when I grow up I wanna be like Jaiden🥺🥺🥺” “Jaiden’s the coolest, sickest, funniest, and smartest person I’ve ever met omg”

Person 1: “Who’s that girl over there? What’s her sign?”

Person 2: “Oh, that’s Jaiden and she’s a pisces

Person 1: “That’s hot”
by jaiden😁 November 24, 2021
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Sometimes known as “ 23_glcksssj4y he can be a bit fruity or sus and he most definitely has a small weenier dog🍤and also wears big ass shoes n clothes once again a small dick
Girl1: me and jaiden fucked but his dick was small and it couldn’t fit.

Girl 2: girl right his shrimpy ass n he wore some big ass jordan 11s the day we fucked
by OuuuGirlWhooYoDaddddy November 21, 2021
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jaiden loves ppl named lily sawyer hes a pookie zaddy
lily : woah have u seen pookie zaddy jaiden
sadie : yes! bagged urself a pookie zaddy frfr
by postmama334 July 15, 2022
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King of all things great. Kind simple but easily anger; very successful

Devrived from the name Jadon or Jayden in hebrew meaning “God has Heard”
Jaiden is the king of everything great.
by Neigh J January 15, 2020
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Jaiden is a kind young man that deserves the world. Even tho he has hurt me and I hurt him, he will always be my best friend. We haven’t talked in a while and I really miss that but if he don’t want to I understand it and I respect it. He will never see this oh whale.
Jaiden deserves everything good in life
by Don’t@me April 4, 2020
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Jaiden is one of the best people you will ever meet. She is a hilarious person and usually has mostly guy friends. Jaiden loves bagels and is a awesome person!
"Jaiden likes bagels"
by Relens May 9, 2019
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This boy is funny but shy deep down he gets close to you and then let’s go because that’s his fear he gets a lot of girl attention, he’s probably got a big d*** usually has curly hair
Jaiden can make you fall in love with them in minutes
by Lola-mae345@ May 29, 2020
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