Me: (Exists)
Hawt girls: (Start getting down on all fours) Insert here honeyyyy
by Handsomest September 19, 2023
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You're missing the point. If you liking me doesn't translate to or manifest in the form of anything tangible, whether or not you like me is irrelevant. It's not conflation, you've rendered yourself moot. And it's not that what you're saying is untrue BUT it seems to be the cases that anything other than affirming their love of big fat cocks is unacceptable. I'm not doing anything that anybody else isn't doing. And I maintain that my position is and has alway been: I have a right to know what's going on around me. Even if that means the people around me lose a degree of social leverage. It isn't not my responsibility to accept an

imposed form of ignorance that is used explicitly to keep me from using my own capacity for choice and keep my behavior convenient. It's only "not real" because if it IS REAL then the random circumabulation of my mind is worth more than your entire life's work. In the same way that some atheist don't want to believe that God is real because if it IS REAL it means that your soul is going to burn forever.
Hym "The problem with the assertion that an outcome is the result of *Insert amorphous abstraction here* is that the logical conclusion always leads to an existential superiority claim. Do you *Insert amorphous abstraction here* as hard as an Alaskan crab fisherman? No? So then were does the disproportionate success come from? *insert existential superiority claim* Well, you could say, 'The job has a different "type" of difficulty' BUT are you accounting for mitigating variables in your self assessment? Does association mitigate the 'difficulty' of garnering disproportionate success? Then, why are people so willing to associate with you as opposed to other? *Insert existential superiority claim* So, what is the point of using these amorphous abstractions? It's a convenient out when you're engaged in verbal conflict. You can always drag the conflict down into the realm of semantics at a moments notice. Imagine, we're in conflict over our disparate outcomes. You posit *Insert amorphous abstraction here* as justification for the disparity. I am then forced to either accept your definition of what constitutes *Insert amorphous abstraction here* (Which I have no reason to do because we're in conflict) OR I have convince you that your definition of *Insert amorphous abstraction here* is flawed or incongruous with objective reality (Which I will never be able to do because you would never render your own outcome unjustified). It's just a word-trick."
by Hym Iam February 26, 2023
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Used by Roblox players to bypass the Roblox chat filters (they don't let you chat numbers, in case someone tells their age).
I am rank music52 in Phantom Forces!
music(insert any number here)
by Happy Noob March 12, 2018
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oh boy, here we go again
insert your name here is such a hot piece of live wonderfullness, if you see him/her, then you must keep them forever in your child dungeon where he/she will spend the rest of his/her life, imprisoned by you while you gush over them on fucking urban dictionary what the fuck
by Fowlcer May 19, 2021
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Someone who thinks their favorite politician is the best one in the world. Their politician can do no wrong and anyone who supports anyone else is a dumbass racist redneck twig boy idiot
Guy 1: who’s your favorite politician?
Guy 2: I’m kind of an (insert politician here) supporter.
Guy 1: Whoa what are you talking about?
by Boom stick August 9, 2019
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