Homere is a male name of disputed origins which means "bringer of fun and joy", anyone named Homere has a lot of pressure as they will be expected to be humble, kind, generous, friendly, funny, musical, a good citizen, culturally eclectic, fashionable, intelligent and friends with peoples of all backgrounds.
Person 1: I think I would like to name my future son Homere

Person 2: If you're gonna name your son Homere, you better pray that the child becomes awesome, that name is a lot to live up to
by bt83 November 27, 2010
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Someone who shows blind loyalty to a team or organization, typically ignoring any shortcomings or faults they have.
"That guy is a total Broncos homer, they haven't done anything good all season!"
by Scott F September 6, 2005
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A sports broadcaster who very obviously shows favoritism towards the team they represent.
I can't believe that dumb, homer Suzyn Waldman actually broke down and started crying about Joe Torre leaving the Yankees.
by breetai3 October 9, 2007
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A situation when the home referees favor the home team over the visitors.
He obviously got fouled while shooting a basket, but he got homered and there was no call.
by KGeezy February 4, 2009
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A sports fan who picks his/her team to win, despite objective evidence to the contrary
Don't make your bets based on what Dick says, his picks are always ruled by homerism.
by Genius-at-Work January 21, 2008
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Being blindly devoted to your favorite sports team wether they are good or not.
Saying clearly untrue things about your favorite team (i.e. Jamarcus Russell was the best qb ever)
Should only be used in a derogatory way of describing an annoying fan (i.e. Lakers "fans")
person 1: I can't believe kobe didnt get that foul call, he got hammered there
Person 2: Dude, no one touched him, you can clearly see in the replay no one was within 3 feet of him
Person 1: Thats b.s. man its just the angle of the camera
Person 2: Classic case of homerism
by Longhorn7 September 16, 2012
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A person who is unable to find a significant other, or is exceptionally close to being in a relationship but fucks up for cowardly behavior.
Joseph quit pulling A Homer, just text her
by that_cheverlet_i_cant_afford December 17, 2018
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