Notorious wooded spot that shares borders with Crayford, Wilmington and Bexley in Kent, England.
After dark it becomes a spot for middle-aged men wearing caps and sunglasses to engage in gay sex and dogging amongst the trees.
"Did you just see those two men? They were walking onto the Heath carrying a plastic bag."

by Preset Mode May 2, 2006
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A sex act, upon which the male will give oral to the female, who is on her period. When sufficient blood is around his mouth the male will stop and whisper "Why so serious?". Named after the famous actor, Heath Ledger for his performance as the Joker in Batman: The Dark Knight.
"Did you see that guy go down on his girlfriend while she was on her period. He did The Heath and said 'Why so serious?' when he came up"
by I Invented This May 11, 2009
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Being mind fucked so bad you become practically impregnated in ur brain. Aka Harris style
The extended mind fuck, jessy got heathed so bad on the wondertour.
by Spinktle April 12, 2011
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My darling dearest to whom I am eternally devoted to
I'm sorry about that orgy last week. oops, my bad!
by amu October 21, 2003
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An imaginary drug usually found near blonde's and sleepovers. It is often used in chocolate chip cookies or can enter the brain through any hyper activity. The side effects of heath are over-stimulation of the brain, extreme insanity, and complete randomness.
"im so hyper, i think im heathin."

"dude, i think somebody put heath in our cookies"

"im so hpyer, i can taste the heath"

by Ms. Behave July 29, 2008
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Where someone, whether purposely or accidentally takes too many sleeping pills and doesn't wake up.

too soon?
heath it:

Hey man, did you hear about that new guy at work, I think he's in critical condition.

Nah man, he died from too many pills... that guy totally heathed it!
by Jordan P March 19, 2008
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Getting caught treating your dick as an amusement park with your motivation being your mother.
" Hey Dude, last night I got heathed by my girlfriend right when I was gonna blow my spunk".
by Phat Boys April 1, 2004
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