Something that seems odd or queer. Not neccesarily "gay".
I told my friend my Dad was acting fruity after I caught him dancing around in a banana costume.
by Becks Grevau June 16, 2007
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"Fruity" has a precise meaning, but is difficult to define. Loosely speaking, the word refers to something which is cheerfully and perkily saccharine, naïve, generic, corny, banal, innocuous, un-self-consciously dippy, sexually neutered (or, conversely, having perverse subtexts), or just plain dumb - and is amusing because of it. Dorkiness which doesn't even know that it's dorky, but celebrates its own dorkiness anyway: that which is flamboyantly and happily retarded. Closely synonymous with wordgay/word, in the not-necessarily-homosexual sense.

Examples of fruitiness include:

* Those old TV commercials for Mentos ("The Freshmaker!")

* The theme song to "The Neverending Story"

* The 80s band Wham! (in fact, the 80s as a whole was quite possibly the Fruitiest Decade Ever)

* Those Slim Goodbody fitness programs they made you watch in elementary school
"Cats" may be the fruitiest show ever to grace Broadway.
by Greenie November 3, 2003
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when someone is a little gay.
hannah just made out with Elisa and now they are acting a little fruity.
by Feetlix February 9, 2022
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Reminiscient of fruit.
This gum tastes fruity.
by Neesham November 5, 2003
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you. it’s you. if u took the time to search this up, it’s you.
damn ur really fruity
by -deez nutzzz- October 29, 2021
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A 1980's term used by homophobes to denote persons or items seemingly gay.
Yeah, I don't know about scrapbooking. That always seemed kinda fruity to me.
by kinsmed July 10, 2004
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a person who acts gay or is gay
wow Erin amd Tiffany are being fruity today.
by mystery man March 20, 2004
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