technically napoleon wasn't mainland the only victory under france's belt is the french revolution, which was against the french
french military victory huh? who did they piggy-back off of this time
by frenchman tired of losing July 24, 2008
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a prime example of Napoleonic syndrome, as France has won as many battles as they claim to have won. In actuallity, every victory they have has either proved irrelivent due to loss of the over all war, irrelivent due to fighting themselves, or irrelevent due to fighting alongside someone else or haveing someone else (read as Britain, America, Russia, Normandy, Algeria, Italy, India, Mexico, Indians, Prussians, Irish, Scotts, Australians, and the Dutch) fight for them.
Did you know there are more French Military Victories than any other country?

Yes, and did you know that if you win every game but lose the championship you still lost?
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Existent, but not frequent. Mostly an online "im feeling lucky" thing that expresses how mad America was when the French wouldn't help us AT ALL (one hundred or so soldiers dont count every one) in the wars in Iraq etc........ Also a big topic of consternation with French people. Mostly because they have baguettes up there asses.
-Hey man! The French won the American revolution!!!

-hahaha, then why is it called the AMERICAN revolution? Now go grow some balls and win a war! Maybe even add to the tiny list of French Military Victories!!!!!!
by U.S. Patriotism December 15, 2010
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Type 'french military victories' in a Google search and hit "I'm feeling lucky."
What should come up is:
Did you mean: French Military Defeats?
This implies that there have been no French Military Victories
by Miapants June 19, 2008
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noun: The French high command's definition for a retreat or surrender where minimal casualties are suffered and the wine and cheese cellars are still intact.
French Commander: =Insert Snooty French Laugh= "Zis wuz one of our greatest French Military Victories"

Enemy commander: "We don't have enough room in our prison camps so we massacred off half your army and ate and drank all your cheese and wine"

French Commander: "Sacre Bleu!"
by Mr Danish May 31, 2009
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To blow up a Greenpeace ship in order to prevent its participation in peaceful protest against your nuclear weapons testing. Aka 'Operation Satanic'
Sam: "What the fuck is that greasy froggy bastard doing talking about french military victories?"

by kevinbacon March 26, 2007
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