An extremely cute girl whos utter beauty amazes all men...and even some women ;)
Damn, Sammy is such a fox!
by Nick "The Model" Martel June 18, 2006
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A television network run by retards who dont know whats funny. They cancelled Futurama, Family Guy and above all else, Arrested Development which was such a good show but to keep the bonehead executives happy they destroyed them.

...and they canceled The O.C.

They are also money hungry pigs and destroy good movies and instead of decent dialogue they put big explosions in to please the retards of today.
No example - The Fox Network is a piece of shit.
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70's term for an attractive lady. Was usually used by teens. Still used today, but rarely.
by go20orange March 15, 2006
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a Fox is someone that is in love with a lovely kitty that loves him too
by Foxy-s3-Anni December 7, 2009
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political and media term derived from the strategy of unfair and unbalanced media reporting solely for the purpose of killing any candidate that does not agree with the big business mantra. Derivation orignally from FOX network. Present tense "foxing." While it is the global big business interest pulling the strings, terms such as "gay marriage," "illegal aliens," "tax and spend liberal" and "abortion" are used as buzz words in foxing a candidate, while big business uses the buzz word "conservative" to conceal it's real identity.
Obama's been foxed all month.
by snappy2 March 30, 2008
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Alongside Poggy, FOX is Antichrist #2. After cutting Firefly, FOX declared itself to Browncoats everywhere.
Alson known as "satan" and "the root of all evil"
FOX will take over all of the world and eat everyone
by DaSobo November 21, 2007
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