A device used by stoners when smoking in environments where the smell of bud will get you caught (usually either one's parents' place or dorm), made out of either a toilet paper/paper towel tube, or optionally a pop bottle with holes punctured in the bottom, with dryer sheets stuffed inside. In use, one takes a hit, then blows it out through the floof, resulting in a pleasant, clean-laundry smell that completely obscures the normal smell.
Dude, use the floof, we don't wanna get written up!
by frostycakes April 12, 2010
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The name assigned to my adorable, short daughter, who is perfect, precious, and incredibly cute.
"I can only describe Rene's daughter as a floof."
by Papi Longcock June 8, 2018
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The person right below your bff that you use for homework answers but is also a friend.
Sorry Morgan, Alison is my bff, but you're just below her, you're my floof!
by The Fag Slayer696969 March 26, 2020
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When you are under the covers in bed and you lift them up and let all the cold air in. Horrible in winter but quite refreshing in warmer seasons.
Stop floofing, boyfriend, I only just got warm.
by Wierd Fishs 40 January 31, 2017
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I was in a pissy mood so I spent the night floofing assholes on NextDoor.
by Bluemeringue July 31, 2018
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(v)to make oneself pretty, to dress up (ie to use materials such as make-up, nail polish, hair spray etc.); usually with in reference to a group of friends (female, although on rare occasions, males might also floof XD) in preparation for a dance or other social function
Other forms: ~y, ~ed, ~ing, pre-~
"I do not floof." (Translation: "I do not fuss around with silly girly items.")
She did not floof yesterday.
by yubee and pi March 1, 2005
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Similar to fluffing or to fluff however to a severe degree
Tyler was floofing his beard till the loss and eventual expiration of a poodle.
by tyaughter February 9, 2010
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