A term for a womans vagina usually as an insult.
She has a smelly flange
by Fredy January 31, 2003
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1. a name for the vagina

2. a insult that has nothing to do with vaginas at all. used as a nonsence word.
1. my flange is really itchy, i think i have crabs.

2. "dave, you are such a flange!" or "oi, flange give me a cigarette"
by sazra May 11, 2005
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grotesque minge often scented like mackerel which oozes chunks
close your legs your mackerel scented flange is putting me off my food
by Maria April 21, 2005
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The flabby roll of skin that is visible above a pair of tight jeans/skirt on a woman.

Another word for a spare tyre.
Oop get your flang out!

Check out the flang on that!

Baby got flang!
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A Flang is Storm chasing slang for a very close lightning strike, often instantaneous with thunder, can have a shock wave associated with it..
Hey, we copped a few Flangs last night from that Squall line..

awesome Flang-fest yesterday out in the cane fields..
by Darth Dumbarse October 25, 2010
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