got airmaxes, airpods and eshay disease.
Kandiah is an Eshay.
by PeppaPigFan9 March 1, 2019
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straight out of the Nike outlet, eshays known as lads, you can call them either, it’s kinda like pronouns, they/them. the they/them’s of the eshay world is eshay/lad. they are often seeing Bumbags, they’re often seen vaping, they’re often seen gutter stomping a pensioner, they are the biggest cunts that ever lived. they thrive near shopping centres, they live off the fear particularly of people over the age of 70, they speak in a language that no one over the age of 16 understands or give a fuck about learning.
an eshay lad was following me around outside the servo calling a pufter
by Jega Rdomnai December 6, 2021
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Root of all human life, born of philosophical meaning and sprung throughout society. They are seen as the essence of life and birth of civilisation.
by Eshay hruh August 30, 2019
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Little Kids Who Are Cool
Hugh Is An Eshay
by Eshay Mate September 16, 2019
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Australian adolescents/young adults who think that they are top shit, always buying expensive shoes and clothes with their centrelink payouts. They are always buying drugs and stealing from people to support buying drugs when their pay runs out. The last few days of the week before check day are hard for an eshay because they have already spent all their centrelink on shoes and drugs.

never engages with normal society and always hang out in groups with other eshays.

9/10 eshays smoke durries (cigarettes)
10/10 eshay smokers will smoke bumpers (discarded cigarettes on the ground in public places) if they run out of durries or weed.
mate 1: oi brah here comes Jayson...

mate 2: fucking eshay, don't talk to him, he'll probably want to sell you drugs
by DefineThisNigga August 29, 2017
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little australian pricks who think they are the coolest mother fuckers in the world when in reality they are just embarrassing assholes
fuck idk theyd say shit like: “eshayyyy bahh
or just say slurs every second
by golden daisy May 30, 2021
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A word used constantly by lads in sydney who think their top shit. (1): It usually means good or cool.(2) Is also used to mean run, usually when someone see's them writing up one will shout eshays and they will all piss bolt. The word Illchays (as in chill) is also used but when someone is coming but hasnt seen them yet, so they dont need to run but just stop their homo activities
(1) Lad 1: Oi bro, i just staunched some cu*t for his wallet.
Lad 2: Eshays

(2) Lad 1: Oi lad, check out this sick throwy

Lad 2: *see's someone running towards them* ESHAYS!!!
by El Blaneos January 21, 2006
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