A: how's work?
B: *sniffle*
A: damn you got the drip
B: *SNiffFlE*
B: okay.
by eggsbad June 8, 2021
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A case of clamydia or gonorrhea where as a males penis drips or leaks pus, urin, seamen unwillingly due to the infection.
Yo, man I heard you got the drip we learned about in school
by Wyatt Handler July 26, 2018
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A word used by people from Kincardine,Scotland as an insult.
"Your a fuking drip like!", "There is a big rain cloud over your town and your the biggest drip of them all."
by Adair105 October 18, 2006
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Someone who is very idiotic and has said or done something very stupid therefore you may call that person a drip.
Dave was called a drip by Steve because Dave did not know what 2+2 was.
"Shut up Dave you DRIP!"
by Danny1001 September 25, 2008
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Drip is the definition of fashion like goku and shirt that has cool drip and pants
Guy:bro u have drip?

Guy2:yes I have big drip
Guy:wow I wish I could have drip just like u
Guy2:don't worry dream comes true
by Rouxyman April 6, 2021
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Man 1. - "Have you met aaron yet?"
Man 2. - "No which one's aaron?"
Man 1. - "He's that drip over there"
by Rafiki09 December 8, 2010
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the greenish smelly discharge of a woman or man that got gonorhhea or chlamydia or both. Usually consists of pus or pus like matierial and blood and some other shit.
Daaaamn that bitch region stink. She got the drip? or I was bout to bang dat bitch but i pulled down her pants and found out she had the drip so i had to hop up outta that real quick.
by Dre_real_deep2021 December 1, 2006
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