a disease some fat guy on a horse talks about. he usually pronounces it diabeetis
"with this new testing device diabetes is a piece of cake"
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when someone does something that is so sweeet simply calling the occurence sweeet is an overwhelmingly large understatment
Scotty worked his magic johnson stylings for the 5th time tonight! Diabetic
by rob February 10, 2004
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Diabetes is a disease that either means you take tablets or you have injections everyday around 4-5 times everyday. You also have to prick your finger and put it on a strip. It is NOT contagious or disgusting. I have diabetes and i am proud to say that I have it and if any one is mean to me about it, I don't care because I've had it since a young age and it just makes me and diabetic people stronger!
I have diabetes and need injections.
by Katrina74 October 5, 2017
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A disease contracted by eating a life time's worth of yummy snacks in 10 minutes. Disease made famous by Wilford Brimley, who has a very distinct pronunciation of the word" Die-a-bee-tus.
"Hi, I'm Wilford Brimley, and I have diabetes"
by Fernando Gonzales December 23, 2008
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a sad lonely child who hates everyone and will later die in life.will also sometimes suffer from gangreen in there leg.may also have ED.need insolene to live
"i need to check my blood sugar every day because i am diabetic"
by emoboy July 26, 2006
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