by DADDY BIG DICK699 December 4, 2020
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an uncommon way to spell the name Deven, or Devan.
sounds like "De-vin".
Lauren: Did you find Devan's myspace?
Lacey: yeah, but he spells it 'Devyn'
Lauren: what a weirdo
Lacey: I know!!!
by Paresse May 27, 2008
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An extremely rare female name, often describing an exotically beautiful girl that is easily fallen in love with, a girl who is perfect to most people. She can often be described as hilarious, sexy, passionate, a partier, a stoner, unique, gorgeous, true, reliable, trustworthy, outgoing, athletic, awesome, amazing, extraordinary, intelligent, sweet, happy, and adventurous. This girl usually has enticing eyes, nice breasts, a decent back-end, many adventures, numerous friends, but rarely ever has a boyfriend. She is into sports, usually drinks too much, smokes mad weed, and is good at everything she does. You will go on many unforgettable adventures with her, she will make you try new, daring things, and she will always have a place in your heart. WARNING: You will fall in love with her.
Steven: "Hey Dylan, my wife is pregnant with my baby girl! what should I name her?"

Dylan: "Devyn!"

Steven: "That's such an unusual name, I'm not sure."

Dylan: "Well, it's only a name for an incredibly beautiful and perfect girl, and I bet that your daughter will fit it perfectly!"

Steven: "That's awesome! I think I'll take your idea!"
by IHuntBigfoot October 30, 2011
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Devyn is a very sweet and lovable girl. She is so nice. She will stick up for you no matter what and never leave your side . She usually has a dirty blonde or brown hair. Sometimes it’s hard for her to except how beautiful she is . She’s one of the most amazing people you’ll ever meet. In her free time she loves making that’s what she said jokes and talking about her boyfriends dick. She has a very good sense of humor and loves to be heard. She has a loud voice and lots of friends. She is normally popular. If you ever made a Devyn never let her go she will be the best thing that has ever happened to you
I don’t need an example I already explained why Devyn is so amazing
by Duahfjsufjajdhsud March 24, 2019
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He's trans, smokes weed and has a big dick. Doesn't like to be called straight because he's into females. Hates children and is suicidal.
Ugh, Devyn wont hang out with me
by MaybeIwillMaybeIwont August 7, 2018
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Devyn is an extremely beautiful girls name.

~The girls are funny, witty, athletic, beautiful, social, friendly, and nice.

These girls are usually among a group of friends.
Jon: Do you see that girl over there?
Derek: Yeah, whats her name?
Jon: I think her name is Devyn.
Derek: I guessed so, she totally looks like one.
Jon: I know

Adam: Dude who are you going out with?
Jared: I am going out with Devyn.
Adam: Dang you got a hot bangin chick.
by Lola Bug December 31, 2011
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