1.The woman who will destroy you, a poisonous girlfriend.
2. The biblical delilah.
Shes a delilah, all her exes are dead or in jail.
by thesecretsavior May 29, 2005
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A girl or woman with long dark hair and big blue eyes, she is seductive and beautiful. She likes the fine things in life and will not settle for anything less. Will expose your weaknesses for all they are worth.
1. She looks like an actress, she's such a Delilah.
2. I heard what he did to her, he better be careful she'll go Delilah on him.
by amandolin February 5, 2010
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To be loved by everyone to the point of unloveability. reference to Hey there Delilah
25 yr old with acne: What do you think of Lord of the Rings?
Football Jock: I'm not that into them.
25 yr old with acne: WHAT?!! HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE?!!
Football Jock: Sorry, they just got Delilahed for me. Even my hot girlfriend you'll never have a chance with watches it weekly.
25 yr old PopRocks Face: Ohh...yeah....you're kind of right.
by Deu2 September 21, 2012
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a fake ass basic hoe who will pretend to be your friend but go behind your back and talk shit about you with other basic ass hoes
delilah needs to be throat punched
by throat_puncher July 12, 2016
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The act of covering a dick in pollen, then proceeding to stick a flower up the penis.
Simone did the Dirty Delilah with Aaron last night.
by dirtydelilah6969 August 29, 2020
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delilahs are usually stuck up and fake so if you know a delilah RUN also they’re full of themselves like bitch just calm tf down you aren’t perfect
girl 1:”hey didn’t you say you got into a fight with a girl because she was being stuck up
girl 2:”yeah delilah
by ilikeyocutg💯😈🔥 October 22, 2020
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