A Noun or an Adjective describing or defining a Slight variation of the motorboat. However the motorboater is typically a male, and instead of the normal medium for motoring, breasts, it is performed to another males ass hole. Another variation from the original move is the heavy usage of tongue in this foreplay maneuver. So a Davis is a man who likes to put his face inside another mans ass and lick and blow on his asshole. Or a man can perform a Davis on his friend.
After they had talked for a while steve found out brad liked to davis, so he dropped his pants and bent over.
by Mike Tase November 10, 2007
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A local Chinese man who pretends not to be Chinese but he definitely is because whereever he says he's from is not a real country.
Often homosexual.
"I'm from Scotland. Where are you from Davis?"
"Definitely not China."
"Sure you aren't."
by Deung Chow-Ping March 1, 2007
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A city with more transient population than permanent. Students sway the vote due to sheer numbers and are often treated poorly by longer-term residents who do so simply because they're angry at their lack of power and also because they can (more than just a saying here - the police totally enable and side with them).
I should've gone to a state school and lived in a city that isn't tearing itself apart from the inside, but no, I had to go to Davis just because I got in...
by Nobody19 June 28, 2019
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Home of the Davis Center for Social Progress and Human Advancement, otherwise known as The University of California at Davis. From day one, students who had 4.0's in high school are blasted with socialistic and communistic propaganda. Also, UC Davis has an 80% graduation rate, and the majority of classes are curved. So, 20% of the students at UC Davis have to fail, no matter what. While not as effective as Berkeley, this propaganda reaches a majority of students, leading many to have inferiority complexes and bouts of depression when they realize how greedy their desire to achieve is.
Thank God I'm about to graduate UC Davis, and I can't wait to get as far away from here as I can. It is said that many who graduate here don't become particularly successful in life, and I can see why. I defy that claim, and I plan to become very successful and make a shitload of money. Call me greedy if you want.

For current UC Davis students, I honestly hope the best for you. Resist any limits the faculty and staff here may try to impose upon you, and resist the complacent attitude that is so prevalent out here. For those considering UC Davis and have dreams of a big future, run away as fast as you can. Go to a school that emphasizes the practical concepts of hard work and personal achievement.
by calif2011 May 27, 2011
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slang for coke, as in Dickie Davis - who had a white cows lick.
Oih cunty get your Davis out you cunt!
by Dickie Davis July 17, 2008
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A useless human. Someone who is consistently handicapped in life. If there is an uphill, they will find it
That bloke is a real Davis
by Eskay55 January 10, 2022
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