any spirit (vodka, whiskey, moonshine, etc.) on ice with a citrus garnish in a small glass. ratio/strength is dealer's choice.
"Anyone up for a cuppa booze?"
"Yeah dog! Whatever you're making."
by emivan September 7, 2017
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Obama: I now grant Cuppa the key to the city
Cuppa: Thanks Obama you're the best
by woobabooba November 12, 2022
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When one projectile vomits into a vagina then proceeds to eat the contents. Always resulting in the girl leaving you immediatly on your own again.
Dave- I took Janet back to mine for a bachelor's cuppa soup last night.

Pete- On yer own again now then?

Dave- Yeh, don't think I'm ever going to find someone who will let me barf in her bitch hole.
by gimpshoe February 15, 2018
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'Have you heard the new Cuppa Prof song'

'Yeah man, only makes Bangers and Cuppas
by Tempwork November 2, 2020
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How Brits ask if you want to come round for tea, like actual tea with tea and scones and jam and stuff
by HealthyDreamrr July 16, 2023
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