He's finally got Quan.

(NB Coins, but said with a French accent)
by The Mamma with the Quan October 3, 2007
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Coined - When someone hurls a coin at someone. Usually a 2p or 10p coin is thrown.
John coined that cunt who was mugging him off.
by JammyBantam February 21, 2016
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to get pegged
or otherwise
hit by a coin.
OW! i just got coined in
the face!
by chicken-faceee November 3, 2007
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a mexican immigrant worker who will do anything to make a little money, even if it means blowin fat dudes.
-hey essay, see that fatty over there?
-well I'm gunna give him a blowjob so I can make a couple pesos

White dudes- yo check out those stupid coins over there trying to make some money. somebody call immigration.
by fonde22 June 26, 2009
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When you type something and then relize it be great for UD you use it to tell all you read a post or messege that you are posting it to UD. AZlternitive is "coin'd"
FB status post:"Drinking mop water (coined)
by tbclycan January 20, 2011
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"that was the worst coin I've ever heard in my life"
"we didnt write it"
by Ralf futz August 16, 2006
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Soemone with an unbelievably strong tullow accent that regularly makes incredibly stupid statements. Like I saw this its about Hitler & Did you come out that way
"Tim pass the Coiiiiiins!" said Keogh
by D' May 10, 2005
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