30 definitions by The Mamma with the Quan

large, enormous, frightening or respectworthy
That hiaouge lorry was coming at speed towards us.

He has a hiaouge dick

That was a hiaouge fight

He's hiaouge - watch out.

by The Mamma with the Quan October 7, 2007
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"how'z is goin' - if you done your homework, you should be good and in"
by The Mamma with the Quan November 15, 2007
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Softer anxiety drug than Valium - seriously hard work coming off it nonetheless
To get off Clobazam you'll have cold turkey to get there and still be a worrier thereafter
by The Mamma with the Quan November 14, 2007
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When a group of people try to bring another person into their crowd. (Often someone already in the crowd will dismantle the desegregation and fuck up a possible desegregation)
Sarah was desegregated and finally brought into Joe's gang.
Henrietta was jealous and didn't like this so she very bitchily thoroughly dismantled the desegregation and any chance of a relationship between Sarah and Joe.
by The Mamma with the Quan October 16, 2007
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Girl who can use language, but isn't reliant on slang and has faith in using real english
She can talk it, walk it, be the Mamma with the Quan, but she still an english-talking Jane, or Jenny, or Katy or Whatever...
by The Mamma with the Quan November 12, 2007
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Arterio-Venal Malformation
"He has an Arterio-Venal Malformation known as an AVM and this is what's causing the haemmorhage and seizure - don't worry, this can be cut out by surgery and all will be well"
by The Mamma with the Quan November 13, 2007
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When a relationship that should have got going, is hindered by a bizarre situation.

The predominant character hopefully plucks up the guts to ask the other one out to sort out problems and start again.

Also when a cyber relationship develops as a result of all the above.
Katy and Ken's relationship became a catastrophy as it was momentarily fucked up by confusion - took a while, but catastrophy healed and things got going good...
by The Mamma with the Quan November 11, 2007
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