30 definitions by The Mamma with the Quan

pc problems

when unbeknownst to you, someone is hacking into your computer system
"met this geezer, didn't snog him, so now he's hacking in to my computer and giving me pc problems - that said he's a very successful pc flirt..."
by The Mamma with the Quan November 14, 2007
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hot diggity

1. unsettled and skittish or multiple options on offer or Jitting around
2. a Flirty dance between two people
"my pc's opening loads of programs simultaneously and it's gone all hot diggity - I can't get it through to it's final solution"
"Great Boogie last night - Sam and Jane really got the Hot diggity going"
by The Mamma with the Quan October 2, 2007
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;-) nn

Good Game, sleep well (with a bit of emotion attached too)
Hectic week, suffering insomnia and emotionally drained, ;-) nn xxx
by The Mamma with the Quan November 10, 2007
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tell me your news - what's been happening in your life
Wotchoo been up to recently?
by The Mamma with the Quan October 10, 2007
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"how'z is goin' - if you done your homework, you should be good and in"
by The Mamma with the Quan November 15, 2007
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catch up

pub reunion and forgiveness to the insulter.
Thanks for the frog card - let's catch up soon
by The Mamma with the Quan October 3, 2007
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