1.A large inhalation while smoking an arbitrary substance. (taking a chooch)
2.To take a cut out of a building material with a saw, mill or lathe.
1. "Here Jason, take a chooch off of this water-bong."
2. (Shop Foreman) "Tim, make sure to chooch 1/8 inch off of this metal plate with the bridgeport."/

"Ima chooch a 1/4 inch off."
by ThingsthatJustinsays May 7, 2021
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A word used to describe an electronic nicotine device.
Hey bro, can I hit your Chooch?
by Mr Fatsack February 10, 2022
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Chooch is a slang word for weed, pot, grass, and or marijuana.

Chooch also means high or stoned, or partaking in the act of getting high or stoned
Lets go get some Chooch!!

Dude I'm chooched.

Hey man u got any chooch?

I'm just chooching right now.
by ZeeKylle October 27, 2017
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The act of being completely screwed; completely robbed.
I just got completely chooched on that hand. I’ve never been so chooched in my life.
by Mussbuss May 16, 2019
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Slang word in new hampshire for a person with a big nose and a little schlong
me: i met up with a chooch last night
you: sorry babe
by Dukes79 May 20, 2010
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To chooch is the act of using your, or another person's tears as lubricant for masturbation. There are multiple degrees of chooching.

first degree chooching is using your own tears and masturbating.
second degree chooching involves saving one's tears and using them at a later date as lubricant.
third degree chooching is the act of using another person's tears as lubricant.
My girlfriend broke up with me, and I was so sad that I became aroused. I had no lube available and thus had to use my own tears of lamentation in order to quench my erotic, sadness fueled chooch desires.
by uncoolpseudonym November 20, 2009
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