Charlie Brown = Bad Cocaine. This could be either because it gives a bad experience, is contaminated, or just not very good. Often abbreviated to CB.
"don't get the coke from him though, he charlie browned us last time" dont use him as a dealer, he gave us awful cocaine last time

"it was like totally charlie brown" it was really bad cocaine

"I'm blatantly gonna pass him CB, he's totally oblivious" I'm gonna sell him bad cocaine because he has no idea what to expect
by Emily Fay January 30, 2007
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The act of your lover taking a dump on your chest, and then taking two fingers and smearing the poop in a zig-zag pattern over your stomach like Charlie Brown's shirt.
"Jen is bringing a blue tarp tonight, she is going to give me a charlie brown"
by bigbootyhos November 15, 2012
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Code word homosexuals use to connect with other homosexuals. in other words "I'm interested."
gay: Charlie Brown?
gay2: Charlie Brown!
both: yay!!!

gay: Charlie Brown?
straight: What? um no, my name's Jim
gay: Oh, well this is humiliating
by adeleBeautiful01 December 11, 2010
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A variation of the Vietnamese Steamer but with a more holistic, fiber enriched diet. The poop comes out healthier, less spicy and pungent. It's identical to the Cleveland Steamer in style and substance, but performed exclusively on Vietnamese soil or by native Vietnamese people on foreign soil.
Liptang was eating a lot of broccoli so he could give his girlfriend a Charlie Brown for Tet.
by CSuckinhell April 1, 2009
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A dumb person who continues to act like a fool despite being heckled by various people.
'Look at that fucking Charlie Brown over there! Oi! Charlie!'
by Steevee Bee July 28, 2005
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