Noun: the toilet water splashing up against one's chafed taint after dropping an extremely large chocolate nugget into the bowl.
I often wondered if experiencing a Bart in an unsanitary public restroom could lead to a bloddy, pussy rash
by Rude Pooters January 8, 2009
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What non-locals call BART. Mostly people from L.A.
Duh-har, I'm gonna take the BART. Duh duh duh!
by doughnuts October 23, 2013
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a loose gang affiliation in San Francisco in the 1950's. At that time, there were Barts, Shoes, Muns, Pachuco's, like Los Banditos, Las Aguilas, Los Chicanos etc....
Hey man...look at that guy's shoes/cloths/hair, etc....he must be a Bart..
by Duncman1 May 6, 2009
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Big Ass Right There. Usually used in public places where you want to tell your friend about a nice ass walking by or standing around. The beauty of BART is that nobody really knows what it is at first, so it can be said loudly without shame so you and your friends can laugh. It also is a high-speed train the the Bay Area of California.
"That girl has a BART!"
"She got a BART!"
"Damn she got a BART!"
by J-Dub from 707 March 7, 2009
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A asshole who dont know how to treat a women. Also only thinks about himself and is all about money.If it came down to it, it would just come down to himself. He only loves someone when he wants something. No respect.
by Kapinky December 23, 2010
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Beer Farts, what one usually experiences after eating late-night greasy mexican food and consuming a large amount of beer.
Stay away from Frank; he's got the barts and is single-handedly expanding the ozone hone today.
by Wixx April 9, 2006
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“Bro, I barted that bitch last year.”

“She wants me to bart her”
“Did you give her the bart?”
by Bartybitch July 9, 2020
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