An Asshole acquired his nickname by being rude, and self-centered toward others. He has his head so far crammed up his ass, that he doesn't hear or see anyone else. Just himself.
My supervisor thinks and acts like he is better and smarter than everyone else. Then they wonder why there is such low morale working here. He is such an asshole.
by Donada January 11, 2009
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Q: Who elected this asshole?

A: Russia?? FBI Director James Comey?? Real Americans?
by pangea88 February 18, 2017
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Donald Trump is going to undo everything Obama did! He is such an asshole!
by Lizzie Bear January 26, 2017
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A stupid prick who thinks their the shit because they go around treating people like they don't know nothing and then attempts to make fun of them. And gets all their friends to do the same.
Guy: "EW you're gross don't touch me!"
Another person: "Wtf, I don't even know you"
Person: "You're a fucking asshole"
by dfdsfgnfsdfg December 6, 2007
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Me: Nice Ass id love to fuck it
Her: Thx, means alot comming from you.
Me: Me?, im just a horny asshole who wants to fuck you.
Her: ik, assholes are honest, you dont just say that i have a nice ass just for the sake of being nice, im also an asshole
*Rough Sex*
by niqquer2 March 9, 2021
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