This word means a cool question addressed to someone who didn't made his homework. Usually, this question is accompanied by the phrase "Iesi Acasa"
Asa faci? Iesi acasa, tarfo!
by Cucliciu Zoe November 21, 2013
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pronounced 'a-za pa-ray'

Meaning the same as the English coined French word 'touché'.

Basically a way of saying 'good point' regarding a comment or come back someone else might have said
guy 1: you're pretty ugly
guy 2: so is your mum
guy 1: asa paret
by spanglebob March 26, 2009
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Same meaning as touché, for example, in an argument or debate. If one person presents an argument and another delivers a clever or apt response, the first person may respond with "asa paret" as a way of acknowledging a good response.

Boy: This porno is disgusting
Girl: You starred in one exactly like it.
Boy: Asa Paret
by Asaparet March 24, 2009
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The hottest man alive
Somewhat of a god

If you have ever seen one contact 650 967 9000
Damn asa stern is the hottest man alive
by Benid June 16, 2017
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Cut Throat, someone who is admirable but modest, good dancer
Asa Scholz is my friend ;)
by zoneblast September 14, 2008
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A dirty asa is when during sex your partner

Tears off your toenails and eats them
i.e. Cathy gave me a dirty asa and now my toes are killing me
by Carylylyl April 16, 2020
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1. The dumb-as-fuck two-faced clown governor of the shithole hicktard plagued sorry excuse of a state known as Arkansas. Asa Hutchinson signed a bill banning state and local mask mandates during an air born viral pandemic because he's a sick demented fuck that likes to watch people die slow and miserable deaths. He is a backtracking fucktard now claiming to regret the legislation and that he would like for it to be amended because he wants to play both sides of the fence in lieu of his possible bid for POTUS in 2024. His miserable, pathetic state is also trying to trick naive citizens into moving to his shithole, STD ridden, trumptardian infected state (which also happens to feature the 8th lowest average IQ in the U.S. and it shows) through offering citizens up to $20,000 to move there.

2. A man pretending to have a guilty conscience or pretending to have a deep regret.

3. A complete moron devoid of foresight or vision.

4. Playing both sides of the fence

5. Two-Faced

6. The 6th GOP governor to acknowledge the fact that Trump lost the 2020 election

7. A guy who is 99% a piece of shit but might surprise the fuck out of you now and then by doing something good
That sick fuck killed all those people and now he's pretending he's sorry for it. What a fucking Asa Hutchinson.
by Majikl August 14, 2021
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