A descriptive word about a girl or woman whith a great body but a not so pretty face.
She is a butterface. Nice Body but her face......
by Thick Daddy October 12, 2003
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a woman who has a great body but her face lacks the level of attractiveness.
Dude are you kidding me she is a total butterface
by durhammahrud July 28, 2010
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A female who possesses an average to below average face, yet an above average body. "Butterface" coins the three words "but her face" as in "everything is decent/hot/gorgeous/stunning/incredible'but her face'."
My eyes moved up her long, silken, and shapely legs, past her well-rounded hips, slim, tight waist, and rested on her supple, perky breasts. Past her sexy clavicle and her tender neck, I cringed in disappointment at how she was a Plain Jane facially.
by Anthony T. March 10, 2005
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A female that looks good everywhere, but the face.
Guy 1 - Wow! she's totally smoking!
Guy 2 - Yeah, except in the face. Looks like she got whacked with a frying pan.
by I forget November 15, 2004
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when a girl has a nice body but an ugly face
kelly has a nice body, butterface
by john_e September 14, 2005
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a girl on which everything is good looking...except her face. Everything is pretty "butterface" (but her face)
"What do you think of that girl? She's a real butterface."
by Noree August 28, 2007
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a chick with a hot body and an ugly face.
Look at that chick man. Ugh, what a butterface.
by bee-wiz April 18, 2008
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