Love will conquer all.
Even when you find a wall.
If you happen to fall

Get back up, stand tall.
As love will conquer all.

That silence is a pain,
Don’t allow it to cause you strain.
You try not to complain.
Remember Someday, you won’t have to refrain.
As love will conquer all.

Our Love is the key.
When you feel weak.
Remember how just unique

Even when things may seem bleak

Love will conquer all.

Embraced in arms, you will be.
Then you will finally feel free!
This I can guarantee!
Until the day, you hold me

I have faith that love will conquer all!!
4 You!!!
I love you!!!!
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Used to say some quantity is less than four.

Some people believe "<4" is stronger than "<3". This is simply false - it is in fact the other way round. Clearly any number less than three must also be less than four whereas there are some numbers which are less than four but aren't less than three - this makes "<3" the stronger statement of the two.
3.9999<4, -6<4, 2<4, 0<4 are all correct statements, whereas 4<4, 5<4, 6.434<4 are all examples of false statements.
by Smegoff September 19, 2006
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synonymous in the numerical bodily function sequence with farting.

all original credit to
Here I sit, broken-hearted; tried to #2, but only #4.

by busaturbo December 15, 2006
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Originally coined in 2004 by one Michael John Keegan, <4 was created to be a play on the ever-popular internet code for love, <3. It has since become a fad, thought by many to have originated as a typo rather than an entity all its own, and has been reabsorbed into the tween culture that prompted its creation.
Phrases utilizing <4 require unusually hammy dialogue; e.g., OMG I <4 U.
by M(bolism) July 15, 2005
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Number 3
Did a number on me
I saw it in your eyes

I felt it in your touch…

I am still glowing from this moment.
And once embraced by you
I am sure to become unglued..
Exactly what that means I don’t know..

It is what you do to me!!!!
I am such a goof
You touched my hand
And I am all happy!!!
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Whit: I love you <3

Oran: >4*
Whit: <3*
Oran: >4*
by Whit214 ^^ December 31, 2011
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