2 girls 1 cup is a disgusting video, but also is an internet phenomenon which is to trick your friends into watching it. Videos of reactions to watching 2 girls 1 cup are famous online.
case n#1:
"-hey, have u seen this video called 2girls1cup ? you should check it out, its hilarious
-ok, ill google it tonite"

case #2:
"-you motherfucker! that link you sent me was the nastiest shit ive ever seen
-oh, 2 girls 1 cup ? lol"
by kenny jahan November 7, 2007
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A disorder of the mind that comes from drinking Pepsi in the wee hours of the morn, which normally results in:
Burping through your nose
Laughing repeatedly for 15 minutes straight
Making strange sound effects
Licking phones and frog Beanie Babies when Orlando Bloom is sighted on the TV Guide Channel.
Lennon and I had a 2+1+1=3 this morning that lasted for an hour or more.
by Nicole McGalliard July 8, 2004
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Another internet gross-out video following in the steps of 2 girls 1 cup, 4 girls fingerpaint, and countless others. Video shows a naked guy bent over in front of a horse, which then jumps up and penetrates him, guided by another guy. Horse then starts thrusting aggressively while the guy moans loudly, ending with a LOT of horse jizz and screams from whoever is currently watching the video. The guy apparantly died later on, hardly surprising since the horse's dick was the size of his arm.
"Dude, did you see 2 guys 1 horse last night?"
"OMG, scared the shit out of me! Why would anyone do that?"
by Jack P Thomas March 31, 2008
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A medically common visual emetic, used to empty the gastrointestinal tract of various foodstuffs. May cause several hours of nausea afterward as a side effect.
Doc: hmmm, the syrup of ipecac failed to work, im going to prescribe a far stronger emetic, please watch 2 girls 1 cup
by Young Reezie December 11, 2009
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The most vile, disgusting, revolting, repulsive video on the internet. It involves two lesbians shitting and vomiting in a cup, then eating it.
Video at 2girls1cup.com. Try to watch it without flinching.
2 girls 1 cup. Trust me, its gross.
by Maserati November 16, 2007
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One of the most obscene Internet phenomena in existence. A girl drops a large mass of fecal manner into a glass cup, and proceeds with another girl to eat it. Both girls then take turns to gargle, swallow and regurgitate into each others mouths.
Person A: Did you know about 2 girls 1 cup?
Person B: No.
Person A: Let me show it to you.
(1 minute later)
Person B: That's totally gross, it can't be real... Why would someone do that shit? How drugged up should they not be able to smell it?

Person A: Who knows?
by predetol109 December 14, 2008
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