An inferior search engine to Google. The only plus to using Bing is being able to find porn much more easily than Google Images with SafeSearch off.
Guy 1: Know any porn sites I can check out?
Guy 2: Just turn off SafeSearch on Bing when searching anything under images. You don't have to scroll at all to find some.
Guy 1: Eww no, I'll just use Google.
Guy 2: Whatever.
by Pokedex #184 June 27, 2018
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a word used to describe when people eat large quantaties of matter in a short amount of time. Also used as an insult by many people (usually children).
by Swillius Bo Dillius March 8, 2010
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Mira a ese bing bing tan chiquito.
Yeah man that guys has a bing bing.
by Punkbunny28 May 25, 2006
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Participating in something to excess, commonly used in describing habits of those diagnosed with bulimia nervosa or BED in reference to eating overly large amounts of food in a short period of time.
Sometimes those with eating disorders will binge out of malnutrition or emotional reasons, then because of overwhelming feelings of guilt will purge through excessive exercise or throwing up.
by Nicole1921 July 19, 2006
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The second worst thing to come out of Microsoft right after Edge.
1. Hey bro, what search engine do you use?
2. Bing
1. We arent friends anymore.
by TheMasterOfChaos May 20, 2022
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