1. Another name for the common Grey Jay.
2. When you masturbate using whiskey for lube.
by Tayleron February 5, 2013
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To be given good sex after consumption of Whiskey. .
She came over and I Whiskey dicked her.
by Chocolate goddess December 23, 2015
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Some one who enjoys the bar a little two much drinks a lot try’s to talk to a girl and gets violated
Grants yellow ass got completely whiskey dicked last night
by Sweetbaby69 July 6, 2022
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A drink of imbeciles.
Only an idiot would drink a French Whiskey.
by Muffinecone May 2, 2023
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When you go to the bathroom unsure if you have to pee or poop so you sit down and hope for the best.
I have to use the bathroom. I’m unsure why, so I am just going to go in an pull a whiskey pilot
by 20Jawless July 12, 2021
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Will's perfect pool game. Just enough whiskey to keep nimble, sharp, and creative makes this a killer combination in billiards.
by Xayla2424 December 18, 2020
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A whiskey-cycle is a moped or scooter that is used by a person who has lost his driver's license after receiving a DWI (driving while intoxicated). These vehicles do not require a license. They also go very slow, and are sometimes a hazard, especially at night.
The loser rode his whiskey-cycle to the ABC store to get more booze.
by Brucie November 17, 2007
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