A two week vacation regardless of actually having the corona virus
Yo, Jamie's been gone fromm work for two weeks now.
Yeah man, he's on that Rona vacation
by S42.1 May 12, 2021
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A leave of absence for a Brigham Young University athlete who was discovered to have broken the LORD’s law of chastity and the BYU Honor Code.
Because his roommate ratted on him for soaking Mackeighleigh, Ryan got sent on a fornication vacation.
by justinbeansimp July 16, 2022
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The ear to ear smile one has at work in the days leading up to vacation
"Even though I have a lot to do to work my way out the door for vacation, I have a serious case of vacation face."

"I've never seen Tom so happy! He's going to the Bahamas tomorrow. Look at that vacation face!"
by kwatters14 June 8, 2017
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Took a little trip without leaving the farm. I was high on vacation.
by Yort0110 February 28, 2016
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Someone who leaves a room of people who dont miss them when they leave to say they're going out to party, when really theyre going out on a desperate search for another group of people who hasn't rejected them yet, that way they won't end up riding around alone, with nobody caring where they are except themself.
The vacater is leaving the room, that should take the edge off everybody left in here a bit, it's nice when everybody is not on edge, and someone they dont trust isn't there with them. After all it's the vacater that wants other people around them, not the other way around.
by Solid Mantis April 11, 2020
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When some one has sex or sensual physical contact with another of the same gender. Out of necessity, curiosity or mistakenly.
"Look at sally she has totally got her tongue down that chicks throat..... She must be on straight vacation.
by oorobotoo January 25, 2011
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