a sweet way of saying bitches
also just referring to a group in a sassy way
let's go snitches!!!
it's tailgate szn snitches!!
you snitches aren't ready for this!
by ifidoshaesomyself November 9, 2017
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Some low life rat who will probably be killed
Jamie is such a snitch
Might have to kill her
by Boiiiiiiiiiiiii 21 420 69 December 22, 2016
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Usually people that has a feeling to rat or tell on a person .
Hey did that snitch tell on you? Them: Yes
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Someone who rats people out for fun. They usually do this to get self gain or to betray their group. People who inform other people about something negative happening with truth are not snitches, this is a common misconception
Right: That snitch John tattled on smoking when he did it with me!
Wrong: Felicity snitched on us talking smack about Griffin. (In this case, Felicity is not a snitch because she stood up against the wrong).
by Mrs. Kristy November 25, 2021
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Someone who rats people out for fun. They usually do this to get self gain or to betray their group. People who inform other people about something negative happening with truth are not snitches, this is a common misconception
Snitch: Someone who rats people out for fun. They usually do this to get self gain or to betray their group. People who inform other people about something negative happening with truth are not snitches, this is a common misconception
Right: That snitch John tattled on smoking when he did it with me!
Wrong: Felicity snitched on us talking smack about Griffin. (In this case, Felicity is not a snitch because she stood up against the wrong).
by Mrs. Kristy November 25, 2021
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A Snitch is someone who will tell on you strictly for the enjoyment of the drama or reprecussions that follow to the original person who did/said something.
"Dude, Carlos snitched to Ali that I hate his shoes and now Ali won't talk to me"
by SkitzoPsyk0 January 17, 2022
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