Pepole that think there hard but there just some soft kid from the suburbs
by Anonymous taco kid March 9, 2019
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An unconfident male who wants to be seen to be an Alpha male but lacks the qualities of a true Alpha. They act out traits they believe an alpha would do, but lack insight, for instance an Alpha would never call themselves one or behave in the way a wannabe alpha would. They are Toxic males that are lacking in any class. Real Alphas are usually successful and have high paying jobs, natural leaders and command respect, but have personal insight. The biggest difference is a man with genuine alpha traits respects other people's personal boundaries. A rum wannabe doesn't know where they end and the other person begins. Wannabes are usually low down in the working class demographic and think being a Man is about simply competing with other males for societal hierarchy which results in annoying the sh*t out of their peers. Alphas can be likeable, wannabes are never liked by anybody and have few if any real friends. Wannabes are tormented souls who need pity not respect.
"Tim is such a Try-hard alpha wannabe, he's throwing his toys out because I could bench press more than him, now he's not speaking to me"
by Melloj1 October 6, 2022
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a cringe wannabe is a entertainment company/company run by a generation older than the ones theyre are trying to appeal to. they use common inside jokes, words or certain ways you say something to appeal to the aimed generation.
friend: did you see what netflix caption on their newest post was

me: yes, they are such a cringe wannabe. oh and also didnt you say kanye was gonna release an album last friday?

friend: i think he thought to himself: " i forgor💀 " but he will " i rember " eventually.
by jogabagaba July 25, 2021
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An individual, usually male, that attires oneself in Western Wear for the sole purpose of getting attention. Normally has no logical reason for said attire, as the individual in question did not grow up on a ranch, and did not have a career attempting to remain upright on an angry bull.

Usually spotted at "Line Dancing Night", other bars, or in major metropolitan areas trying to be "cool" hundreds of miles away from the nearest real "Cowboys".

Usually are going through an identity crisis and treat women like horse shit which they have never stepped in.

Identified by; cowboy boots, plaid shirt, t-shirt that has nothing to do with country at all, and a pre-requisite "Cowboy" hat. Big silver belt, The most desperate will also showcase a "Bolo" tie, which can be used to strangle the offending "wannabe".

Favors weak, tasteless, flaccid beer such as "Budlight" or "Budweiser" or "Coors".
"Look at that wannabe cowboy, the only heiffer he's touched today is that fat girl he's grinding"
by Zkskwlcjdksldkck March 16, 2018
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A person or persons that claims or pretends to be affiliated with a gang or group
You are not a blood or hood! You are just a hood wannabe!
by actfay eakerspay October 24, 2023
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An African-American of either West African or non-Egyptian ancestry who believes that ancient Egypt was ruled completely by Black Africans for all of it’s history, also attributing most, if not all, inventions of ancient Egypt to only Black Africans.
No Jamal, “Black” Canaanites did not invent the Proto-Sinaitic alphabet -_-. “Black” Canaanites also did not invent the Phoenician alphabet either, you wannabe Kemetite.
by Amogus Sussi Baka August 5, 2022
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it is where a where white people who try to be black but it does not work out , also it is sometimes called a raccoon
man, look at billy being some coon-wannabe
by cmslava101 February 21, 2017
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