When someone is very open about their heavy drug use as if it's no big deal. Weed doesn't count since it's a pretty mild drug. We're talking heroin, cocaine, meth, ect. They'll post about it on twitter and facebook to act cool. When in reality, they look like attention whores.
FB status: Just got released from the hospital from doing too much coke!! No more drugs for a little while.

Me: Yup, public drug addict.

FB status 2: Im gonna get fucked up on speed this weekend, hell yeah.

Me: Seriously?! Not another public drug addict. *unfriends*
by Someone with a high IQ January 28, 2012
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AN EVEN SHITTIER VERSION OF Faf Wrestling Discord which is way way better
by fafrules June 26, 2021
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When your buddy gets pissed at you for posting a douchebag comment on their very public Facebook post, that was more suited for the private group threads.
Dude! I can't believe you posted that shit on my public page! My public page! Everyone can see that!
by Mesp135 September 1, 2018
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A person not prone to using politically correct words.
Mark is an equal opportunity offender. He has insulted everyone in the office so we call him our public offender.
by Monte R June 1, 2007
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a large building near a city's downtown filled with books, children, and sleeping homeless people
"hey brother can you spare a dime?"
"shut up and go to the public library!"

"shit! i really need some books, homeless people, and children."
"dude, have you heard of the public library?"
by uncle fuckbucket March 7, 2023
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A terrible school with an even worse staff. People that attend this school have a tendency to get into Drugs, Alcohol, and lose their virginity at incredibly young ages. If a teacher catches you swearing you get suspended. If a teacher catches you smoking in the bathrooms they will probably join in. Be careful stepping foot in Erin Public School... You may never make it out. Ps, if you see Mr. Snowball (no balls) Run away immediately.
"did you hear what happened to that kid?"
"yeah I heard he went into Erin Public School and saw Mr. Snowball, he hasn't been the same since."
by Watchoutformrnoballs November 16, 2018
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