like a hitler except you use you feces to give her/him a moustache and a soul patch, like a frenchman
mikey went to sleep first and i didnt wipe all the way so i gave him a gentleman's shave. he never slept over my house again.
by the black t-dog November 14, 2009
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This is when you shave your Genitals and butt hole in preparation for the summer months at the beach.
"Bro, I need to have a gentleman's shave before i can to go Ibiza"
by Grandmaster Pope March 8, 2020
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Holding your scrotum in you fist so the testicles are squeezed tight making them look like a veiney brain and then proceeding to shave the hair off of them
Dude, I had a date with a smoking chick last night, I had to o make sure to shave the brain before I met up with her because she looked like she gives hummers
by marklarthewelby September 5, 2021
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1 1/2 Parts Suntory Whiskey
Half Ounce Lime Juice
Half Ounce Triple Sec
Two Parts Passion Fruit Juice
Nick: “Yo Ryan you want to try The Shaved Ballsack Drink I made??”
Ryan: “WHAT?!”
by SirGrammarNazii May 26, 2023
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When your girl dumps you and you cut off your manhood (not your piss/fuck one, your face one)
"Hey man, Emily broke up with me I think it's time for a breakup shave"
by Tork, Lewith September 25, 2016
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When a female shaves her pussy and it is hair less.
girl 1: My boyfriend said he like shaved pie.
Girl 2: what did you do.
girl 1: I shaved my pie for him...
by kilroy42 August 28, 2013
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