A more common phrase for the sport of racing. Much like motorcyclists, racers prefer to be known as Racists. Just for the record, a horse race itself is more commonly known as a Whore's Race as it involves racing anything from horses and whores to horse's whores and everything in between.
"Vic DiBitetto rode a horse named Horse Shit in the local horse race. Then he went on to ride a whore named Whore Shit in the National Whore's Race Championship! Much like a motorcyclist, he brings the Whore's Racism back to all of the Horse Racists!"
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Glock pistols have been more child soldiers killer, more prolific and dangerous than a AK 47, and the AK 47 ban in Canada is perfected institutional racism
I don't want another Glock pistol pointed at my head. It's racism.
by Cody5050 January 26, 2022
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My teacher committed racism against Mthobi, but its okay. She has a right to her own opinion
by PBredellAnony April 12, 2022
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A derogatory statement towards any race to demoralize or just be mean. (Can be used against all races, including white people)
Joe Biden: "All the poor kids can have all the same opportunities as the white kids."

Me: "Hey, that's just racism right there. No denying it."
by SomeoneThatKnowsMoreThanYou March 16, 2021
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When someone hates the human race and other people in it, a condition not exclusive to any one group of humans.
Racism is really a human trait that becomes what it's made to look like rather than what it is.
by The Original Agahnim November 4, 2021
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hating on other races (White, African American, Hispanic or Latino, American Indian or Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander,) because you think they are the worse or because your race is more superior than the others
racism can be done IRL and on the internet by making fun of someone for not being the race that you are or by using racial slurs such as cracker (racial slur for white people), porch monkey (racial slur for black people), chink (racial slur for asians) Beaner (racial slur for hispanics) racism is also considered a hate crime in many countries
in conclusion racism is extremely awful and we should all respect human rights
Person 1: get out of our damn country, you don't belong here
Person 2: i am human too you know
Person 1: human? you guys are fucking animals
Person 2: that is just blatant racism
by PoopShitter United May 14, 2022
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